Strengths Assessment “Quiz”
You can’t be everything to everyone... but as agent, you’re almost required to...
Obviously you want to be well rounded as a real estate agent. It requires strong systems, determination, connection, knowledge, negotiating skills, and more... but everyone brings something unique to the table. And in the end, I’m sure you’re asking yourself, what is it that my buyer really wants in an agent, because it’s those things that are going to cause them to choose someone else over me potentially.
Of course buyers and sellers want the best deals, they want assurance that you are making them a priority, and that you will work the system as much as possible to their benefit. They always want a pleasant experience with you, involving varying levels of communication, and personal touches. You always have room to grow as an agent to become more skilled, more qualified, more experienced...
But no matter where you are at right now, there may be one huge question you’ve not asked yourself yet... and that is What is it that I bring to the table that is unique to other agents? When marketing yourself, it’s this uniqueness that will catch someone’s eye. If you cannot get their attention, then you don’t even have a chance to show them that you’re really good at your job, or at least willing to go the extra mile to make their dreams come true.
In a city filled with capable agents... why would someone stop for a few seconds to consider you? That’s where this assessment comes in handy... because the exceptional strengths and uniqueness of your personality will determine how you present yourself on your website, and it will set you apart and streamline your marketing so that you can grow exponentially in your niche in this very competitive market.
5 Strengths
The quiz part of this is you knowing yourself! Read through my descriptions below to see which you most closely identify with.
This is probably what almost every buyer will say they value. They don’t want to pay more than they have to or give their house away for free... But if you have a record of securing amazing deals for your clients, that’s definitely a strength to highlight FIRST THING on your website. When someone lands on your website they need to immediately see testimonials and have clear calls to action that let them review more in-depth case studies, which really simply just tells the story of particular transactions where you can show facts, numbers and of course the testimonials of your master negotiating skills that your clients are so appreciative of. This skill alone will get you clients, so put it on FULL DISPLAY. .
My husband has a gift for finding out-of-the-box solutions to problems. He is an incredible researcher and can creatively trouble-shoot problems. If he were to become a real estate agent, this would definitely be something he would need to market himself for. He wouldn’t have to know everyone or be everywhere, but no matter what need or issue you bring to him, he would find some very creative solution for you, leaving you both surprised at his ingenuity and totally satisfied with the outcome. A seller with contingencies to find a new home first but needing to sell quickly after that? A buyer needing to relocate for a job but also wanting specific requirements of neighborhood, school systems and price point? This type of buyer, with multiple specifications, will really benefit from what you can promise to provide.
You always have the scoop on what’s about to drop, what’s going on in different neighborhoods, and who has the best etc... the out of town buyer will really feel confident in choosing you.
I know people like this, and they are awesome at being agents because when anyone gets around them, they just feel good. This agent is good at mirroring to their client so they feel heard, and they are also confident to ensure results. You may be new to real estate, without much experience or a small portfolio, and your best strength to bring to the table is an incredible customer experience. Any buyer who doesn’t have strong or difficult needs but just wants to have fun, feel heard and sell or buy with a generally good experience will eat up everything you bring to the table. You just have to be bold and lean into your personality, it speaks for itself!
You may not feel like you have an extremely unique personality or individual qualities that would make you stand out from others, but your portfolio speaks for itself... consistent results! You’re probably looking for 10+ years in the industry. You need to present your work with pride to your potential clients so they can feel as confident as you do that you experience and expertise in the Nashville market will provide them with everything they need, and probably more. You are qualified, they need to see that! Make sure you let people know when they land on your site that you have been here for a long time, you’ve seen it all, nothing can surprise you so they won’t be taken by surprise either, you’ve got them. They will feel safe with you.